Standing MAH Notices
Winter 2016
The Members’ Office is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 1:00pm, except for holidays.
Members’ personal mail and parcels delivered to the Association’s address will be held in the Members’ Office for pickup. The Association assumes no liability for loss, theft or damage of such items, which may be disposed of if not picked up within a week after delivery.
Membership dues are payable annually ($210 for regular and youth members, $104 for life members) no later than January 31. Dues may be paid semiannually or quarterly (due no later than the end of the first month of the quarter), with a $5 processing fee added per payment. We are working to get as many members as possible on an annual billing basis as it greatly reduces confusion regarding billing.
Per Art. 29, work dues are payable for all musical work done in Local 677’s jurisdiction by the 15th of the month following the engagement.
Statements will be sent via email when- ever possible, unless a member requests otherwise.
Online payments are now accepted at using the ‘pay now’ button located on the mainpage. Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX accepted. Please note there is an additional processing fee that will be added to your invoice amount. This service may be used to pay any fees owed to the Association. Please remember to route the payments to Local 677 in the drop-down menu so they will be applied properly.
For those working under collective bargaining or through MSI, we have a payroll deduction option for member and work dues. Please contact the Secretary-Treasurer for more information.
To participate in the union’s group Kaiser health plan, you must have been a member in good standing of the Association for at least six months prior to joining the plan, and you must maintain membership in good standing while on the plan.
Open enrollment period is the month of December. This is the only time when you may rejoin the plan or add family members to your coverage. (You may initially join the plan anytime after six months’ good-standing membership.)
A member may resign in good standing only if (s)he is fully paid up for the quarter in which (s)he resigns and all associated fees paid. Resignations must be signed and state the effective date of resignation.
TEACHING: Teaching fee is $2 per student per lesson. Studios may be reserved in advance for only three hours per week, with extended hours allowed for steady work- dues-paying members. All students must be registered with the office, as we are required by our insurance carrier to keep a record of all nonmembers who are in the building.
If you have a problem with your employer, especially if you are not paid on time or in the right amount, please contact your union immediately! Remember: a union contract is your best protection!
Don’t donate your services for fund raising events without calling the union first. Rule of thumb: no one donates unless everyone involved in the event donates – the caterer, the venue, the producer, the headliner, the video guy, etc.
A member is eligible for life member- ship when (s)he becomes 65 and has been an AFM member for at least 35 years. However, life membership must be applied for, and life membership is not conferred retroactively. If you think you might be eligible for life membership, please notify us.
Are you moving? Is someone else handling your mail? If so, be sure the Association has your correct mailing ad- dress. Please inform the union of your new mailing address at least a month in advance of the move so that you will be assured of receiving newsletters, billings, and other important union notices on time. We cannot make any special allowances for bills not paid on time due to an incorrect mailing address on file. Update us when your phone number and email address changes, as well.
Suspended and Expelled members may not:
- receive job referrals (this will affect your UI status)
- use union facilities, including studios
- perform on “Studio 909” events participate in medical insurance group plan or other benefits of the Association.
(Art. 26.3, Local 677 Bylaws)